
Friday, February 28, 2020


This morning, Wayne and I were able to go to the area where the temple missionaries live.  It was where we spent so much time.  Wayne played the piano and figured out how to change the program from Hymns to Christmas music.  Pedro asked him to show him how to do that again for the piano in the temple.  

It was nice to be back in a space we know so well.  

I took this picture out the window while Wayne was playing the piano.

The treadmill President Casos gave us missionaries for Christmas was moved upstairs.  

The door to the Cocaya apartment was open, James and Whitney Fenn will be arriving today to stay here.  I took some pictures just for old time sake. 

We went to the temple to show Pedro how to work the piano.  
We went to the tailor to see if he would have time to make Wayne a white suit before we leave to go back to Trujillo on Wednesday.  He said he would, so Wayne gave them some money and he left his suit coat for reference and they took some measurements.  They told us to go back tomorrow so they could fit it to him.  

We went to Huanchaco to have some lunch.

When we got back to the temple, we saw a lot of our temple friends coming and going.  

Brother and Sister 

President Diaz 

Brother Otiniano

Brother Rodrequez  -Wayne -  President Diaz - Brother Otiniano - Brother Cavez
Brother and Sister Chavez

Mary Belle Barbosa and her Mom

Jan - Luciana - Cynthia

Brother and Sister Biata

We decided to go do a temple session.  Brother and Sister Biata were the officiators in the session.  it was so nice to be back in the temple and to feel the sweet spirit.  It was a good.  

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