
Monday, February 17, 2020

President Casos and Arequipa

President Casos and Arequipa

President Casos grew up in Arequipa.  He lived in this big house.  He has told us before that their family was wealthy.  They had maids and house employees.  Whitney and James Fenn showed us where the house is.  It is on the corner of the main street and just a few blocks from Tottus. This house is on a very busy street often full of traffic.

The story is told that when president Casos was young, the city made a big paved road.  The people of the town thought is was such a waste to have this big road when there really wasn't much traffic.  It was the perfect place for President Casos and his brothers to play and ride their bikes.  They thought it was their private road. 

This is the road we call downtown.  This road is four lanes, two on each side with an island with grass, trees, and gold bulls.  This street is always busy and full of traffic.  There are so many little buses of every color coming and going and taxi's giving people rides to places they are going.  The traffic moves very slow down this big road.  Who knew when President Casos was young that this street would be so busy and important now.    

Romalo and Marlene Casos and their chidren

This is picture of the Casos family when they were young.
President ans Sister Casos served as mission president of the Arequipa mission about 25 years ago.  

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