Today we went to Los Jardines ward to watch the Primary program. Sister Jackie Briceno, our friend from the temple told us about it so we decided to go there. The meeting started at 10:00, so Bill and Sandy picked us up at 9:00. We caught a taxi and arrived early.
We were able to talk to the young missionaries. They're in the South mission, and are serving in the Trujillo ward, which meets before the Jardines ward. We love the young missionaries, they are just neat.
Sister Samanamud from Lima and Sister Rowley from Holliday Utah |
Elder Willard from Washington State and Elder Zanabria from Lima |
Sandy played the piano, Jackie Briceno led the music |
Sister Clay from Virginia she's been here 3 month and Sister Olsen has been in Trujillo as long as Wayne and I have. She's the mission nurse and it's always fun to see her. These two are in the North mission.
This is the bulletin board the primary kids made for their program. The theme was, Yo Se Que Las Escrituras Son Verdaderas, I Know The Scriptures Are True!
The kids had written how they know the scriptures are true his on the papers around the board. |
I Know The Scriptures Are True! |
This sister is a volunteer in the temple, she's with her mom. |
Sister Alva, she's one of the old timers of the church in Trujillo. |
Brother and Sister Llontop with their daughter and grand daughter |
Llontop family. the young man on the left is going on his mission to Buenos Aires Argentina on Wednesday. |
Sister Tirado in the pink |
Sister Chavez |
Brother Adolfo Velasquez is blind, he and his wife are both blind and they come to the temple a lot. He's from the Trujillo ward. The missionaries told us he is always going with them to teach and activate members. He also goes with newly activated members every week to get other members of their ward active. What a go example for us all. |
Sandy took this picture of Brother Velasquez at the Apiat. He sells many things there, like clothes pins and moth balls. |
The Primary children after the program, their program was really good |
Some of the Primary children wearing Red, Yellow, and Blue |
This scripture cake was made for the Primary program, I Know The Scriptures Are True! It was pretty impressive, the kids were pretty excited about it. |
Sister Rios with her family |
Ashly Abanto, she has been working at the temple for a few months, but is leaving in a few days serve her mission in Ecuador. It's sad to think that we won't be seeing her anymore. She's a wonderful person. |
We enjoyed attending the Los Jardines ward. It was fun to meet and greet all the wonderful people in this ward. There were a lot of people who work in and come to the temple. We really enjoy mingling and feeling their great spirit. I makes serving in the temple worth it.
Wayne and I went to the Palermo ward at 3:00 in the afternoon. We arrived early and these Elders were waiting at the gate.
Elder Marichi and Elder Parra |
I really like this picture of Wayne. This church in Palermo was here 40 years ago and is kind of a special place for him.
It looks like he's right at home. |
This huge poster was in the foyer. I could understand the scripture!! |
This beauty was parked in front of the church when we left. |
Berta Brionies Benites came to the temple Saturday evening. We were so happy to see her. She is in Trujillo visiting her family. When Wayne was a young missionary 40 years ago, serving in Callo, Berta was in his district. Months later, after finishing her mission, Berta married Belisario Benites in Trujillo and Wayne was able to go to their wedding because he was serving in Trujillo. It was fun to see Berta, her daughter, and her sisters. They are a wonderful family and old time members of the church in Peru. I watched as Wayne reminisced and remembered the mission he first served in Peru for a minute. She lives in Bountiful, Utah, so maybe our paths will cross again. It was a great reunion and so fun for me to share with Wayne.
We've had another great week, especially our Saturday and Sunday. I made a chocolate cake for tomorrow. We're having FHE and the cake is for Wayne's birthday. That will be the next post.
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